Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Lost And Despair Hugs Me When You Left

Where Does Your Destiny Begin?And where do i go from here?Look,it's time for your passing...And now you must leave all behind...Come my dear...be one of My joy.And now you shall...

I'm so lonely as my mum had recently passed away.I am sad as my mum received Her divine love and entered His ever beautiful Kingdom.Yes,you have become Their joy mum,and I am happy for you.You left me unexpectedly,and at your grave,I cried the tears of not knowing when you'll return.I am but inside,I'm empty.You were there for me when I am lonely and I was there for you when you were feeling the same too.

But,who is going to talk to me when I'm back after school?Who is going to wait for me at home?When again can i go to the store and buy you lunch?When again can I see your joy and laughter whenever we were watching t.v together.

I am selfish,I know.But I need you the most dear mother.You had lost the battle with diabetes and depression.I want to see you healthy and I want you to hold and love my children...Now the Heavenly Being took you away...

Yes,you're not in pain anymore,you are in a joyous and blissful world with our dearest Father and Mother.As...
Come My dear,and be Our joy

But what will be of my joy?It has been taken.You're my joy...and i can't live any longer without you.I went home for you.But you're gone now...How can i live?

My dearest Mother,

My former teacher said that God loves those who suffered the most.And I believe her.I am terribly saddened by my past,but They gave me a will to move on.I am happy to be your son and I will be your son forever in every lifetime...

I miss you...